Full version.\r \r Documentary about great cave diver Dave Shaw. The resulting crater is hundreds of feet from rim to rim and walled on one side by a sheer cliff. But Shaw, a Cathay Pacific Airways pilot based in Hong Kong and a man who had become one of the most audacious explorers in cave diving, didnt strive for depth alone. "Shaw touched down on the sloping bottom of the cave, he detached from the cave reel, took out his flashlight and began swimming around the bottom. While the story ended in the most tragic way possible, Shaw continues to be remembered for his bravery - and for finally bringing closure to the Dreyer family. Get access to all of the Outside Classics when you sign up for Outside+. The team had been doing a practice dive. Be Careful people. Required fields are marked *. "Basically Shaw had been attached to this line, and he had managed to free Deon before he had passed," added MrBallen. Deon had logged about 200 dives when he was invited to join some South Africa Cave Diving Association divers at Bushmans Hole over the 1994 Christmas break. Theo wrapped his arms around Marie, and they peered into the dark pool. At 6:13 a.m., video camera whirring quietly on his head, Shaw shook Shirleys hand, said, Ill see you in 20 minutes, and ducked into the dark waters of Bushmans Hole. Hughes climbed to the top of the crater to get cell-phone reception and placed the call. He looked down: The Hammerhead controller on his left forearm was a wreck. The divers clipped Shirley to the shot line in case he convulsed or passed out, unclipping him only to move him from one decompression stop to another. Overwhelmed, she stepped forward and took her dead son in her arms. Together they live in a thatch-roofed bungalow, surrounded by a pack of rambunctious dogs with names like Sheck and Argon. We saw Deon and Dave stuck in the cave at 20 meters.. It was more than a month before he could think clearly or walk down a crowded street without his perception and balance running haywire. He got his rebreather back under control and started back up the shot line, flipping through the alternate decompression profiles he was carrying with him on slates. It doesnt work. Having reached the bottom, against all odds, they find a body. On his back he carried a closed-circuit rebreather set, which, unlike traditional open-circuit scuba gear, was recycling the gas Shaw breathed, scrubbing out the carbon dioxide he exhaled and adding back oxygen. In May he went diving again for the first time, with Peter Herbst hovering protectively alongside. He scribbled on it for a second and returned it. David John Shaw (20 July 1954 - 8 January 2005) was an Australian scuba diver , technical diver , and airline pilot for Cathay Pacific, flying the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, then the 747-400, and then the . Dave Not Coming Back received the Audience Award at both Austin Film Festival and Hamilton Film Festival 2020. He closed his eyes, turned somersaults, and with relief discovered that the Big Dive had not taken one of the things he loves most. His movements have lost purpose. Shaw hadnt signaled for help, but Shirley would be going to the bottom. I decided it was a suicide chase, he wrote in the accident report. Deons head and hands, exposed to the water, were skeletonized, but his mask was eerily in place on the skull. Shirley was winched up the cliff face, and within 22 minutes he was in the recompression chamber. Helmet cam footage of cave diver David Shaw getting tangled in his line while attempting to retrieve the body of diver Deon Dreyer. Your mind is clouded. Together with Ann, he designed a silk bag with drawstrings, long enough to fit over Deons fins. A week after Shaw died, Gordon Hiles brought the video to a guest house in Pretoria, where Shirley was staying while undergoing recompression treatment at the Eugene Marais Hospital, and Shirley finally watched it. Theo and Marie Dreyer, whose son Deon died in Bushman's Hole, at their home near Vereeniging, South Africa. Herbst cut the helmet cam free, too. The video shows the bottom moving beneath him. Shirley was so focused on what he was watching that he started mimicking Shaws breathing. He had just hit a record depth on a rebreather, and now he had the opportunity to return a dead boy to his parents and, in the process, do something equally stunning: make the deepest body recovery in the history of diving. It was a noble dive, a heroic dive. Hes also a first-rate diver who never shies from a tough job. In 1993, Sheck Exley showed up. The helmet cam would make it hard to do that. And I said, Well, this will be his final resting place. . The following synopsis for Dave Not Coming Back, which was written, directed and produced by Jonah Malak, has been unveiled by Gravitas Ventures: Two high level scuba-divers and long-time friends, Don and Dave, broke a world record for depth in the Boesmansgat cave in South Africa. Shaw and a team of divers prepared for the 12-hour mission, which took place in January 2005. Three days before the dive, Shaw carried the camera on an acclimatization dive to 500 feet. Then Shaws forward progress stops. As he reached his new depth, nausea hit him and he started to vomit. The Mk15.5 was his rebreather of choice for dives deeper than 150 metres (500ft). At the bottom of the hole, Shaw begins to secure Dreyers body for removal. The one thing becomes everything. The group continued ascending. Needless to say, if you're claustrophobic in any way, you might want to grab your nearest support cushion while you read through this. Marie was in agony, crying and thinking about Shaws wife and family. Shirley scratched on his slate, IM HAVING A BAD TIME. Just a little deeper, just a little deeper, he kept telling himself. What's it like to see through the eyes of a man looking at death?\r\r\"David John Shaw (20 July 1954 8 January 2005) was an Australian scuba diver, technical diver, and airline pilot for Cathay Pacific, flying the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, then the 747-400, and then the A330-300, A340-300, and A340-600. Then the African earth took them, and Dave Shaw was gone. It read, DAVE NOT COMING BACK. In the fall of 2002, a bearded man with an Australian twang appeared at Shirleys dive center. There is no room for emotion or panic in the bowels of a dark hole. It came out in perfect running order. The idea of visiting the sinkhole was a pipe dream for him, and so when a diving group invited him to go to Bushman's Hole in 1994, Dreyer jumped at the chance. I will survive. Up close, he could see that Deons tanks and dive harness, snugged around a black-and-tan wetsuit, appeared to be intact. Helium is no better; it can send you into nervous, twitching fits. Thirteen minutes after Shaw submerged, Shirley got the go signal from van Schaik and dropped toward his rendezvous point with Shaw, at 725 feet. On a rebreather at that depth, it would have been very ineffective. Shirleys breathing became so distorted that by the time Shaw faded to just six breaths per minute and then lost consciousness, Shirley was also on the verge of blacking out. A minute later there is no movement. In 1988, he set an African depth record of just over 400 feet, and Bushmans reputation as a deep divers cave started to spread. Deons mother, Marie, a petite 50-year-old, begged Deon not to go. Reflexively, he peered deep into the hole. He stuffed the regulator into his mouth, and as soon as he did, the cave started to spin around him. [11] They had two children, Steven Shaw and Lisa (ne Shaw) Moyers. In 2003, he purchased a rare Mk15.5 rebreather, developed by the U.S. Navy for deep submarine evacuation, and modified it with a Hammerhead controller that he filled with paraffin oil, as a sort of internal shock absorber that would help the components withstand intense pressures. Shirley has improved with time, but the helium bend left him with permanent damage that has impaired his balance. You are dealing with multiple divers going deep, and thats serious, Meintjies says. And I think with Dave it became the body, the body, the body.. This forum actually respects the people involved for the most part and that is important to me.) Thinking he should try to bring Deon back to the surface, Shaw wrapped his arms around the corpse and tried to lift. He knelt alongside Deon and went to work. Another of his passions was diving. They decide to come back and retrieve it. Verna van Schaik, 35, a South African who had set the outright womens depth record of 725 feet at Bushmans in October, settled in with a large sheaf of dive tables. Shirley knew instantly that something had gone very wrong. It was about where he expected it would be, in the region of the shot line. He had been on the bottom of Bushmans Hole, at 886 feet, for just over a minute. The surface marshal was Verna van Schaik, who was holding the women's world record for depth. In the dark, all he could see with his light as he spun was black, followed by the flash of the cave roof, then black. Derek Hughes, an underwater cameraman who was working with Gordon Hiles, also left. At least three ran into serious trouble in the process (including Nuno Gomes, who got stuck in the mud on the bottom of Bushmans Hole for two minutes before escaping). Its better to have one person dead than two. He had a separate, private conversation with Shirley, who had upgraded his rebreather for the dive with an oil-filled Hammerhead controller so he could get all the way to the bottom of Bushmans if he had to. To cope with any medical emergencies, Shirley had recruited a doctorJack Meintjies, a specialist in diving physiology at the University of Stellenbosch, outside Cape Townto be on hand. The picture is dark, and sometimes hard to see. He was exhausted and approaching hypothermia, but he stayed there decompressing for almost two hours. Shirley also speaks about how Shaw felt like the brother he never had, especially since they approached scuba diving in the same way. In contrast, divers using traditional open-circuit scuba (the majority of divers today) inhale ice-cold mixes and exhale huge volumes of gas into the water. Looped around it was the cave line he had attached to Deon in October, and cradled almost perfectly in the line, its legs hanging down as if on a swing, was the headless body of Deon Dreyer. The most selfless acts people perform in their lives are often the things that theyre most remembered for in their deaths. It didnt move. NSFW. The plan was for him to cut the dive tanks away as he rolled the bag over Deon. Dave knew the risks. Laas made sure Shirley was breathing the right gas mix for the depth, decided he was stable, and left quickly to update van Schaik. Then Shirley asked Herbst for a slate. Whoever was underneath him might need help, and Shirley was one of his best friends. MESSAGE FROM ANDRE, I LOVE YOU, it read, and then, YOUD BETTER HANG IN THERE OR ELSE. 1 LIGHT BELOW? Police diving superintendent Ernst Strydom and Roux read from the Bible. The body was not meant to be floating. Its a lot easier to slip a bag over an immobile body than a body floating and rolling in front of you at 886 feet. He and a partner set up the South African franchise of IANTD, alongside a deep, flooded asbestos mine in the beautiful grassy hills a couple hundred miles east of Johannesburg. Shirley was devastated. The oxygen supply is automatically monitored and adjusted by a digital controller strapped to a forearm, and pretty much the only oxygen consumed is that which the diver metabolizes. Depth or the bends would have finished him, and van Schaik and her divers would have returned to an empty line. I didnt think it was worth the risk of a diver losing his life to recover the remains of Deon Dreyer, he says flatly. Its a recipe for disaster, says Shirley, who will always regret not being present when Shaw told Hiles he would put the light to the side at times. After more than ten hours in the water, Shirley finally reached a depth of 20 feet. [1] The film centres on diver Dave Shaw's death while attempting to recover the body of Deon Dreyer from the submerged Boesmansgat cave in 2005, through a mix of camcorder footage from the incident and the personal reflections of his surviving friend Don Shirley.[2]. ShockYa's Exclusive 'Dave Not Coming Back' Clip. If recovering Deon from the bottom of Bushmans Hole was a feat of extraordinary ambition and danger, combining extreme depth with demanding work, Shaw and Shirley were just the guys to pull it off. Dave Shaw, with carbon dioxide suffusing his lungs, is starting to pass out. They were his risks, and he took them., Every diver there that day will keep diving, and instead of second-guessing Shaw, they say they are proud of him. Using the camera that was still attached to Shaw's head, the team were able to analyse his final moments, concluding that he most likely suffered from nitrogen narcosis, a condition that deep divers can run into that makes them feel intoxicated and disorientated. Shirley had asked her to run the dive as surface marshal, and van Schaik, who has magenta hair and a dolphin tattoo on her right ankle, was hoping she was going to have an easy day. Shirley left Shaw, who had another eight hours and 40 minutes of decompression to complete. No one had any idea how deep Bushmans was until Nuno Gomes arrived. Three days later, both of the bodies floated up to near the surface as the dive team was retrieving their equipment.The dive on which Shaw died was the 333rd of his career. It was stunning being in the water with Dave, very relaxed, Shirley says. It was broken by the rattling of stones inside a plastic Energade bottle. Shaw turned immediately, unspooling cave line as he went. Shaw had died doing it, but Deons body had finally been taken back from Bushmans Hole. There were too many potential bodies. Utter blackness pressed in on him from all sides, and he directed his high-intensity light downward, hoping for a flash of rock or mud. That grab kept him alive. Last Dive of David Shaw. Suddenly he loses his footing on the sloping bottom. As he approached the chamber ceiling at about 164 feet, he started feeling faint. He decided to film the whole thing on a camera attached to his helmet, and when the day arrived, he travelled down and got to work. In a bizarre twist, the Australian airline pilot's body was unexpectedly pulled to the surface on Thursday attached to Mr Dreyer's. More than anything, though, she was struck by how completely her life had changed in the brief time it took Vickers to relay the news. Herbst was exhausted, with a pounding headache. For the Dreyers it had been a tragic half-hour. Unfortunately Shaw couldn't lift the body as the oxygen tanks were caught on something. Two weeks after the accident, Theo paid to bring in a small, remotely operated sub used by the De Beers mining company. He put Shirley and Peter Herbst in touch with Juergensen Marine, the Hammerhead manufacturer. A few minutes later, Theo and Marie Dreyer made their way to the waters edge. [12], "Scuba Diving World Records - Deepest Longest - Dave Shaw - Nuno Gomes - Verna Van Schaik - Pascal Bernab - Mark Elyatt - Johan Beukes", 47:50 @ TD2006 #1: Intro and Boesmansgat Expedition Don Shirley | YouTube, "AFF Fest: Dave Not Coming Back is a poignant look at loss and risk", 4:00 @ "To Boldly Go" (2005) Dave Shaw's Final Dive | YouTube, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dave_Shaw&oldid=1157510389, This page was last edited on 29 May 2023, at 03:27. [1] He flew for Cathay Pacific from 1989 until his death in 2005. What are you waiting for? About 50 feet to his left, perfectly illuminated in the gin-clear water, was a human body. When they returned to the surface, they were approached by police diver Gert Nel, who had been helping to clear lines in the chimney. What happened after Shaw promised to go back is nearly unbelievableunless you believe in ghosts. Its like hes coming back soon to use it all again, Marie thought. That same year he met the Melbourne-raised Ann Broughton at a youth camp in Perth. Helmet cam footage of cave diver David Shaw getting tangled in his line while attempting to retrieve the body of diver Deon Dreyer. Even so, Gomes honors Shaw as a fallen comrade. A motionless diver at 886 feet is almost certainly a dead diver, but it was Dave Shaw down there. After some anguish, she decided Shaws ashes should be scattered in South Africa, the place he had come to love so much. Gravitas Ventures is set to distribute the film today on VOD. Marie couldnt believe he was still in his Jockey underwear. His DUI drysuit and Thinsulate underwear kept him warm. He was facing at least another ten hours in the water. Shaw had been advised by various experts that the body would remain negatively buoyant because the visible parts were reduced to the skeleton. ShockYa is premiering an exclusive clip from writer-director-producer Jonah Malak's documentary, 'Dave Not Coming Back,' which features Don Shirley and David Shaw. Shaw ran into difficulties when the body unexpectedly began to float. Heading out the door? Now he was panting, and Deon, who was attached to the cave line, was floating free. The forensics experts they consulted werent sure but guessed the corpse would be mostly bone. The doorbell rang, and Ann opened the door to see Vickers, accompanied by two friends from church. As they closed on their target depth, they realized there were no lights coming up, and no sign of Shirley or Shaw. Yes, he becomes hypoxic. Shirley introduced Shaw to the enticing depths of Bushmans in June 2004. You cannot do it, Gomes says. Little did they know that on that historic dive, Dave would not be coming back. I MUCH prefer this subforum to r/gore or anything else of that nature. It was on its back, the arms reaching toward the surface. There was 30 seconds of stunned silence around the hole, then van Schaik calmly announced, OK, we are on our emergency plan.. Up he had gone, dragging Deon with him. Its loose and can come up.. The Big Dive, as they started to call it, was set for early January, and one of the most elusive questions was the condition of Deons body. And zero percent that Dave wasnt coming back., Verna van Schaik, who is used to people telling her she is pushing too deep, is sorry Shaw died but not sorry for him. Hand over hand, Shirley descended. Nothing. He was so weak that Herbst dragged a mattress over from the police camp so Shirley could sleep right there. 10 years after Dreyer's fateful dive, deep diver David Shaw discovered his body while diving in Bushman's hole and decided to mount a recovery effort for Deon. For a young cave diver like Deon Dreyer, it must have been irresistible. The dive is huge, he told a collection of reporters and cameramen gathered a day before the dive. The camera will follow them throughout the preparation and the dive, including to the bottom of the cave. They rushed to Mount Carmel, where slowly the story came out. They call the parents, enroll eight fellow divers and hire a cameraman to document the dive. [3] Dave went to 280 meters, touched the bottom and started exploring. They stayed for six. It was released online in the United States on November 10, 2020, and in Canada on December 15, 2020. Im going to miss you, mate, he said, as if Shaw could hear. They showed each the slate and continued ascending. On the evening of Saturday, January 1, Ann made the 45-minute drive to Hong Kongs Chep Lap Kok airport with 250 pounds of dive gear in her car. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. He told Hiles that, instead of slinging his light around his neck, he would occasionally set it out to the side. Don Shirley, a cave diver and frequent partner of Shaw's, near his home in Badplaas, South Africa. Later that day, Shirley took the video to the hospital, where he met with Herbst and Dr. Frans Cronje, medical director of Divers Alert Network Southern Africa, who was overseeing Shirleys treatment and assisting with the official accident investigation. And if you ascend too quickly, all the nitrogen and helium that has been forced into your tissues under pressure can fizz into tiny bubbles, causing a condition known as the bends, which can result in severe pain, paralysis, and death. A daughter, Lisa, followed in 1983, and the Shaws relocated briefly to Tanzania before moving to New South Wales, Australia, where eventually Shaw began flying corporate jets. The chief drawbacks to rebreathers are that they are expensive (upwards of $5,000), require the diver to constantly monitor the digital controller settings (open-circuit divers just have to breathe), and, until Shaw came along, had not been proved at great depths. The body could have been pulled up. Up or down, it wouldnt really have mattered. Shaw has been at it for two minutes, and the cave line is seemingly everywhere. Shaw loved to poke around deep underwater, so he was committed to the closed-circuit rebreather for its remarkable efficiency and the warm, moist gas recycling produces. Thats the end of the story. For more information on Dave Not Coming Back, visit the films official website and Facebook page. He would hand the body bag over, and, if things went well, Deon would be out of the water about 80 minutes after Shaws dive had started. Youre about to read one of the Outside Classics, a series highlighting the best stories weve ever published, along with author interviews, where-are-they-now updates, and other exclusive bonus materials. That to me is better than dying in a car crash. Still, every day Shirley thinks, Ah, Ive got to tell Dave thatonly to remember that he cant. Approaching 400 feet, almost an hour into the dive, Shaw met up with his close friend Don Shirley, a 48-year-old British expat who runs a technical-diving school in Badplaas, South Africa. When they did eventually go back to retrieve it, they started pulling up the line - as it moved closer to the surface, they found both Shaw and Dreyer's bodies attached to it. This unexpected development caused a few recovery lines to get tangled up and David spent an inordinate and unwise amount of time trying to untangle them instead of cutting them free and heading to the surface. As Shaw ascended, the gases in his body, as well as those in his suit, rebreather, and buoyancy wing, had started to expand. No one has ever attempted anything even vaguely approximating a body recovery from these sorts of depths. He also talked about his motivation with the team. Dave Shaw flew his bride, Ann, from Perth to honeymoon at the seaside town of Albany, Australia, December 1974. You dont think of a new plan while you are down there. Proudly powered by WordPress Every time Shaw breathed, Shirley breathed. He almost certainly could feel the narcosis kicking in. But he also wonders whether Shaw should have done more buildup dives to increase his tolerance for narcosismuch the way a climber will try to acclimatize to altitudeand his ability to recognize when it reaches dangerous levels. Every breath is now a sharp grunt. After Shirley checked that Shaw was OK and retrieved some spare gas cylinders hanging on the shot line below, Shaw showed him an underwater slate on which he had written 270m, found body. Shaw hit the bottom just over 11 minutes into his dive. Shaw and Shirley had logged more than a hundred hours underwater together in the nearly two and a half years theyd known each other. Yes, he becomes hypoxic. Two weeks before the expedition, Deons grandfather passed away. He took her up in an airplane on their first date, and 20 months later they were married. You dont focus on the dive anymore, Herbst says. He shot his first buck at the age of ten. A day later, he and Shirley drove to Mount Carmel, where seven South African rebreather divers, handpicked by Shirley, and a police team from Cape Town and Pretoria (since there was a dead body involved) were assembling. No bubbles. At 66 feet, it went smoothly, taking Shaw only a couple of minutes. He liked to carry a high-intensity light on the back of his hand, and if he needed both hands underwater, Shaw would normally sling the light and cable around his neck so it wouldnt snag on anything. He almost certainly could feel the narcosis kicking in, as if he had downed four or five martinis. This guy went half as deep again. NOT SURE DS LIGHT OFF. Shaw's first rebreather was an Inspiration closed circuit rebreather, with which he eventually dived to depths beyond its purported capability. Andre, who had stayed behind at Komati Springs to run the dive center, had been getting regular updates. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 108 121 He scrambles back to the body in a cloud of silt. As divers say, if you do the depth, you do the time. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Youre not crying, are you? he asked. Shirley had to see if there was anything he could do, or at least clip Shaw to the shot line so his body could be recovered. (Dreyer was lost on assent during his dive and never seen again.). Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! The previous evening, as he was changing the battery on his new Hammerhead controller, a wire snapped. He was sure. Shaw's last. Shirley had asked his friend, If you have problems, do you want me to come down?, Shaw considered the question and answered, Yes, but only come down if I signal., Shirley and Shaw had one last message for the gathered team. There was no head, but lying in front of her was her boy. As explained by MrBallen: "Dave Shaw, who was a 50-year-old extremely audacious cave diver, was passing the 800-ft mark inside of Bushman's Hole. Lisa Shaw, in a eulogy for her father, wrote, I know having faced death before that my father was unafraid and was completely at peace with the prospect. People never knew about [rebreathers] until he died showing what can be done, Peter Herbst says. One of Deons flippered feet fell off. Please read the sidebar and widgets! LOWER LEFT LEG HURT. The powerful underwater lights that cave divers use are connected by wires to heavy battery canisters, normally worn on the cave diver's waist, or sometimes attached to their tanks. The ashes hung for an instant, a cloud of a man. You focus on the one thing. He planned to have 35 backup cylinders of gas in the waterenough so that he, Shaw, and even some support divers could survive total rebreather failure. Still, Shaw keeps checking the time on his dive computer. She sent Gerhard Du Preez, 31, into the hole to find him, with instructions to check everyone on his way down. Not until you top a small rise a few miles from the farm dwellings do you notice a break in the clean sweep of the land, where the earth starts to fall in on itself as if a giant hammer had come smashing down. Dive harness, snugged around a black-and-tan wetsuit, appeared to be intact is important me! South Africa, the body, the body it hard to do that when you up! Thinks, Ah, Ive got to tell Dave thatonly to remember that he started mimicking breathing... Shirley, a cave diver like Deon Dreyer in their deaths he met the Melbourne-raised Ann at!, Australia, December 1974 hit the bottom just over 11 minutes into his computer... Miss you, it must have been very ineffective r & # ;! Version. & # 92 ; r & # 92 ; r & 92! A minute to me. ) from Perth to honeymoon at the town. Meters, touched the bottom of the crater to get cell-phone reception and placed the call rim to rim walled! 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